how read faster and better ?

Everyone want to read and understand faster.But at beginning it’s very tough . But nothing is impossible as we practice in better away then easily we can achieve the ability to read and interpret faster. “Practice Makes Man perfect”

Some of tips which helps you to read and lean faster

1. Fight the temptation to Subvocalize

The most difficult and most urgent sex acts are welcome. Regarding comprehension, we are regularly constrained when intuitive personality is needed to assert words on the page. We have not mentioned them so that everyone can hear, but our spirit speaks them without knowing them. This is known as “subvocalizing”.

When we talk loud words, it keeps specific measures of affirmation opportunities. In any case, we do not need to insist on words when we read. You can inherently assimilate. You have carefully perused the sentence carefully, but your lips are similar to saying the words so that everyone can hear it. That is a partial statement.

Sadly, the tendency to speak the words as we are reading is incorporated deeply into our whimsical personality periodically, as can not be imagined to lose it.

An incredible trap is to pick words in this content and pick it up all at once. There is also a small part of the sub-utterance, but by confessing the words by just looking at the words, all new tendencies are composed of one person.

A great hint to overcome this advance is to contemplate the words and begin to pondering without having to affirm them. This part may first feel dark or theoretically. That is absolutely normal. All you have to worry about is listening to words without desire so that you can hear it.

After having gone through the practice, if there is probably a word of hundreds of words, you will begin to see the distinction between speaking words unconsciously and essentially allowing you to enter your brain. Also, once it is completed you will rip the biggest boundary of yourself and peruse it quickly.

It is not easy to start from the beginning, but once you hit this part, everything else becomes a cake by correlation.

2. Decide your present benchmark

Another important element of speed perusal is the ability to perceive my development.

Before evaluating development, benchmark is necessary. At that point, once the criteria to quantify are decided, you need to intermittently evaluate your views against this benchmark.

The problem of understanding your own specific benchmark is that it is difficult to make that interpretation a simple term when saying that the program is perusing specific scales at every moment. It is the best place to start, but from a commonsense point of view it is even more necessary to know how long it will take to view a regular page.

If a regular individual takes 5 to 10 minutes per page, the speed does not need to go far beyond 2 or 3.

This means that 200 pages of books are 400 minutes for speed peruser and 1,000 to 2,000 minutes for regular users.

In other words, ordinary users need to spend an additional 13 hours with similar books.

That’s a lot of lost time!

In any case, it is not easy to just bounce from a 17 hour pace user to a speedper user. There are various obstacles in your way, but if you are lucky most of it will be managed easily.


3. Utilize a Pointer, Indicator or Your Index Finger

It is regularly considered that guiding yourself with your fingers during perusal is saved for the young. As much as possible, this trap will help you again, while finding ways to speed up reading with the couple’s main reasons.

The biggest and most serious obstacle in speed sense is not to adapt new capabilities, but rather to avoid the old suitability that conflicts with us.

One of these abilities that conflicts with us is pleasure in perusing without a guide, but there is no doubt that learning the guide is learned at a reasonable speed. It has no room for debate at all.

Somehow, if I saw it speed up understanding, I do not need to use the guide, but my eyes are jumping from the earliest starting point to the end all the time. What you do not noticed is that I am exceptionally doing it at a steady speed.

To the end, the measure of the time it takes for me to go through a line of lonely content is the same as I do my own way through the page. The exemption here is where I have birthplace or get confused, but it is still a regular part to get used to neither.

When using the guide, it is essential to move the guide at a very stable pace. You must not stop or return your fingers. Just slide from one side of the content to the other side at a very uniform speed. By honing like this you have the ability to notice when stalling or losing power than if you tried to move faster and move so that you are basically careful.

If you try to move rapidly, you can not keep the speed of liquids and streaming type. In the long run, you will hit your farthest point and avoid words. This is the result of backtracking, backtracking brings about confusion.

You miss the opportunity to do this twice a page, it will not take 30 seconds per page, or 100 minutes to a 200 page book. This is an additional 90 minutes lost to backtrack the entire book traversal. In contrast to racing, you have to figure out how to think about perusing speed to peruse like a marathon.

4. Concentrate on control

At the time of moving the content, there is a possibility that the specific area of ​​the book is familiar, but others are overflowing too much information and can not be read quickly.

This is a characteristic part of perusal reading, the transition from thick material to simple perusal is a measure of control. Speed ​​is not an important factor to understand speed.

In order to show this point we need to prepare two separate books.

The main book is a thick and tired historical textbook. In off chance we hoped to find a specific date and name in the book it is difficult to make the page easier to read while checking the name. If we expect to find the importance of these individuals and dates, we need to recapture the material little by little.

Our second book is a book of fiction. It is an anecdote about the experience of trying to discover the families captured in the mountains and that way. Since our heart appreciates books, there is no real motivation to control the learning procedure unless you understand a part of the story. We can just end the content easily, you can return back when the story fills the brain and we missed something important.

From this point of view, you can clearly see clear speed in various books. Freshmen commit an error that they believe speed is speed, but it is a very basic level. Speed ​​perspective is essentially the ability to control players in the way we read.

5. Prepare your eyes to minimize movement

One of the fastest and easiest births in your adventure will know how much your eyes are moving while you are reading.

For ordinary individuals, their eyes can not continue moving with isolated liquid lines without expecting to bypass. If you lose the opportunity to start focusing on your eyes, I can make sure that you return again, once you see exactly how you regularly return.

In the long run, this adds an hour to the knowledge you know and may even prevent you from completing in any case.

6. Skip non important words that are not important

It is absolutely essential to understand that users with fast speeds can quickly and quickly understand how to move pages quickly and concretely as a final goal, not that each word is equivalent.

There are lots of small, dark little words that will not help you, just try to drive yourself to peruse them.

7. Working to use powerful software

You can find out this amazing example with key tips. This article shows an amazing case message indicating that certain words do not contribute to understanding the content of sentences, in particular.

The best device for practicing speed is an easy and basic application that streamlines the way to incorporate expertise.

There are several choices for viewing. Most of it provides excellent components that utilize both practice as part of speed feeling and approach to free time.

The Quickening agent is an iOS 8 application for importing articles, archives, various messages and connections into rehearsal applications overflowing speed. By copying the articles you are about to see now, it copies in a way of respect as both a practice tool and a learning device, in light of the fact that practice is neither monotonous nor mechanical. Rather, there is a desire to peruse the article while understanding your speed. The quenching agent is prescribed fundamentally.

Spreeder is an amazing device that allows you to copy and paste what you want into a small word processor. The application takes out what you officially adhered and converts it to your specific workout. This allows you to select exactly what to jump with the chance to read and write everything in the same application. This will never be decided for those who do not spend a penny and want a great deal of value.

If you have an e-reader, ReadMe! It’s an incredible decision. This application provides a huge amount of usefulness, but it aims to help speed especially through e-books. Today’s innovation has made e-books outstanding among the most useful ways, so everyone from children to experts should protect themselves.

Finally, Acceleread is similar to the swiss armed force blade of a fast device. Most of the alternative applications recorded here have import elements and can handle specific types of content, but Acceleread is a savvy mentor with outstanding speed outlined in its own activities. One purpose of this one is not to bother bringing in content that you may need to read carefully and honing it, but focusing on the activities themselves for faster development. This one is like going to the movement center to see the speed.

8. Working with text skimming and skimming

At this point, you have heard the majority of what you officially know. The truth is stranger than fiction. I understand the central aptitude that is expected to speed up now.

As much as it is possible, it is actually the best one. With the final goal of incorporating this precious aptitude in mind, you need to get used to finding out the heap of the word.

Initially, the ability gradually appears, but on a couple days it will obviously be easy. You will be given priority in 5 weeks tomorrow so please relax and enjoy the ride. You will arrive in the long run.

Please look at this excellent asset for a phenomenal and careful review of practice evaluation with speed sense. Follows the exercises you can do to build your fitness, but it also provides a variety of tips and perspectives to become even more sophisticated speed parlors.

Remember that careful training has promising results. The time it takes to create will fly properly with.

9. “Practice and time going on your own”

Congratulations, if you made this up to now. You have everything you have to handle this by yourself at this point.

It may seem like a speed feeling, but it should be the suitability of this ridiculous and troublesome essence, but that is not the case. It is only a few tons of understanding and practice.

At this stage, your essential purpose is to take yourself on a daily basis and keep practicing the steps discussed in the article here.

Consider bookmarking this so that you can reference it later, occasionally rehashing the page and checking to see if you missed the first run.

close up

Please realize that this very guide may be the key to your life more than ever. Let’s think about the rich learning which was composed after people grabbed a pencil and composed.

Perhaps there is everything you have to peruse through the most intense and receptive book you can find. You can do it faster than all of your companions, relatives, colleagues, and enemies.

Most of the data contained in this overview is valuable to me.

With an off chance that I have to learn something about fly skiing, I can do it in record time.

On the occasion I have to take a dialect, I can look over the page and find the most useful data as soon as possible.

I can do it on a wise measure of time, especially since it may be an off chance to feel the desire to grow myself.

“If”, “is”, “to”, “to”, “to”, “”, and so on, when retreating to understand that addition of all pages 30 seconds may mean the entire 90 minutes Another little less important word, which takes over the same idea of ​​saving time, is a unique suitability to create.

The best thing about hitting a little word is that they do not provide useless things. Skipping it properly means getting more from your skilled background.


By skipping words, we are getting more. Please access sink for 1 minute.

Prepare yourself to avoid small words is as simple as feeling that you do not need to pay attention to them carefully. Basically, please allow your eyes to keep moving on words that are not important.

After a while, your cerebrum usually understands how to skirt them for you. And you can filter sentences while avoiding many importance.
It will not take fifteen hours to cross a basic book anymore. That is a big change. I do not start to imagine that there is an off chance that never finds a way to decide the speed that my life is currently reading.

I truly believe you willingly practicing this lesson and rich data. And I pray that you will discover the best data for you on your trip.

If you are willing to hesitate to tell this to someone of your colleagues you need to study, you may not think you have found energy yet, but you really think you want this. I am very interesting, but listening to the evaluation of this work, listening to it coming closer, I am intrigued and please be careful not to hesitate.